Astrosomatics Podcast
The Lion's Gate Portal & The Power of Collective Leadership

The Lion's Gate Portal & The Power of Collective Leadership

Weekly Forecast for August 5-11, 2024

Hey y’all,

As we find ourselves in the heart of Leo season’s late summer, I invite you to take a moment and appreciate the magic of this abundant time, the last squeeze of summer’s vibrancy before we shift gears and head into Virgo’s back-to-school, back-to-reality vibes.

In last week’s missive, I completely forgot to mention an important day in the Wheel of the Year, so I wanted to take a moment to highlight it now. August 1 was the celebration of a special Cross Quarter holiday in the Pagan wheel of the year that symbolizes the midway point between Summer Solstice and Autumn Equinox, known as Lammas or Lughnassah. This holiday marks the very beginning of the harvest season and is all about tapping into the wisdom of the Earth element and celebrating the harvest of the first grain of the season (Lammas = loaf mass, for the first loaf of bread baked from the first harvest). With the cutting of the first grain for the harvest, it’s a time of recognizing that death and endings must occur for the cycle of life to continue, and it’s a time to celebrate the moment’s abundance along with balance and reciprocity.

Note: though Lammas/ Lughnassah is widely celebrated on August 1 today in the Gregorian calendar, the Astrological midpoint between the solstice and the equinox is 15 degrees of Leo, which falls this Wednesday, August 7th. So maybe I didn’t miss it after all… Happy cross-quarter day!

In The Orchard by František Dvořák showing the abundance of the season’s first harvest.

This week’s highlights in the Cycle of Time:

  • August 7: Lammas/Lughnassah, the cross-quarter holiday between Litha (summer solstice) and Mabon (fall equinox). This is widely celebrated today on August 1, but astrologically happens on August 7, or 15 degrees Leo.

  • Human Design/I’Ching:

    • Monday-Saturday: the sun is in Gate 7, a leadership Gate called “the Role of the Self”

    • Sunday to next Friday: the sun is in Gate 4, the Gate of Formulization

  • 8/8 “Lion’s Gate Portal”: The heliacal rise of Sirius, the brightest star in the sky (Thursday, August 8)

This week’s themes:

  • Democratic Leadership: Leading through Listening

  • Personal empowerment through your beautiful heart center

  • Pondering the ideal of collective leadership

It’s early-harvest season, when the fruits are starting to droop to the ground with their abundant juices! The end of Fire in the Medicine Wheel, the transitional season of Earth in the Waxing cycle, Lammas/Lughanasa in the Pagan wheel of the Year, Leo season, and Gate 7: The Role of The Self.

Our Place in the Wheel of the Year

  • Medicine Wheel Direction: South (Fire, Youth)

  • Wuxing Cycle Element: Entering transitional Earth from midsummers’ Fire

  • Pagan Season: Lughanasa or Lammas

  • Zodiac Season: Leo (July 22-Aug 21)

  • Moon Phase: Waxing moon

  • I Ching Hexagram/Human Design: Gate 7 (Monday-Saturday), Gate 4 (Sun)

    • 7 = Earth over Water (Shih: “Army”) or The Gate of the ROLE OF THE SELF

    • 4= Mountain over Water (Meng: “Youthful Folly”) or The Gate of FORMULIZATION

Embracing Late Summer’s Wisdom with the Wuxing Cycle’s Earth Element

In a cycle from the other side of the globe, the Taoist five-element Waxing cycle, we're also currently experiencing a shift. This shift is from the fire energy of summer to the grounding phase of the earth element. You might notice this change in nature as fruits ripen and fall, symbolizing the abundance of the season and the return of plant life to the soil, the seeds of beginnings of the season of merging and death in the Wheel of the Year. The Earth element is all about stability, security, and nourishment, reminding us to find balance between giving and receiving, nurturing healthy relationships, and showing empathy to others.

Late summer is a time of transition, and thus is represented by the all-encompassing element of Earth in the Taoist Wuxing Cycle. In that cycle, Earth energy also represents the ending of every season (the end of fall, winter, and spring, as well as the end of summer), but it is especially poignant in late summer. In traditional Chinese medicine, the Earth element is linked to the sense of taste, the color yellow, singing, fragrant smells, empathy, and worry. By understanding and embracing these qualities, we can tap into the wisdom of this season and navigate life's ups and downs with more ease and understanding.

It's cool to note that different regions vibe with late summer and fall in their own unique ways. For example, in Japan, this time of year is celebrated with the Obon festival, which honors ancestral spirits. No matter where you are, the Earth element's energy is all about finding stability and balance amidst change, embracing transitions between seasons, times of year, life and death.

The HD Gate of the Week: 7 - “The Army”, or The Role of the Self

Gate 7, known as Earth over Water or "The Army" in the traditional I’Ching, is associated with leadership, democracy, and the collective will.

One of the key aspects of Gate 7 is its connection to the ideal of democratic leadership. In its highest expression, this gate represents the ability to guide and empower others, allowing them to find their own way forward in life. It's about serving the majority and leading through the will of the collective, rather than pursuing power for oneself or using division as a means to control.

The shadow side of Gate 7 can manifest as a desire for personal power and influence at the expense of others. True leadership is about tapping into the collective wisdom and allowing different individuals to step into the spotlight when their energy, ideas, and attunement are most needed.

This reminds me of the book “Emergent Strategy” by Adrienne Maree Brown, who is one of my absolute favorite public figures and thinkers these days. In her book, Brown talks about learning from nature’s emergent strategies, as opposed to top-down hierarchies, in the process of developing a true democratic and collective leadership for the people. She draws on many examples from nature, including flocks of migrating geese. Each member of the flock has the opportunity to contribute their unique strengths and guide the group forward, creating a harmonious and efficient system, rather than a single bird staying in the lead and experiencing burnout and fatigue.

As we navigate the energies of the late summer season, it's an invitation to reflect on our own role in the larger picture and how we can contribute to the collective good. Gate 7 reminds us that leadership is not about exalting a single individual but rather about recognizing and nurturing the potential in everyone.

In the Gene Keys, the Shadow level of Gate 7 is Division, the Gift is Guidance, and the Siddhi is Virtue. In a world that often seems divided and polarized, the message of Gate 7 is a potent reminder of the power of unity and the importance of working together towards a common goal, guiding people into their own power rather than leading with tight reigns. By embracing the ideal of democratic leadership and tapping into the wisdom of the collective, we can create a more just, compassionate, and thriving society for all.

So, as we move through this transformative time of year, let us take a moment to consider how we can embody the highest expression of Gate 7 in our own lives. Whether it's through small acts of virtue, volunteering in our communities, or using our platforms to amplify marginalized voices, each of us has a role to play in shaping a brighter future. Together, we can create a world where leadership is a shared responsibility, and every voice is valued and heard.

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The Lions Gate Portal and Our Solar System's Binary Star

Egyptian Aker Lions Duaj (meaning “yesterday”) and the other Sefer (meaning “tomorrow”)"He who's looking forward and behind" symbolizes the power of the present moment.

As we head into August, a powerful mythological energetic portal known as the Lions Gate is opening. Astrologically, the Lion’s Gate Portal occurs when the sun is in Leo and aligns with the star Sirius, which is the brightest star visible from Earth, and the constellation Orion. This alignment happens annually around August 8th and is believed to usher in potent cosmic energies of abundance, creativity and new beginnings.

This “portal” typically receives a lot of attention in the spiritual/astro community each year, and there is a lot of misinformation circulated about it, including a lot of historical inaccuracies. During Egyptian dynasties, Sirius’ heliacal rising occurred during the rainy season in the Lower Nile River. It helped signal the beginning of an agricultural cycle, but it wasn’t associated with a specific day, as the Egyptian calendar was a complex system that changed across time. Personally, despite some misinformation related to the day, I appreciate the new-age Lion’s Gate 8/8 portal for a couple of reasons, which I’ll go into below.

  1. It reminds us of the infinite cycles of time.

    Numerologically, 8/8 is a powerful number, with 8 being an inverted infinity symbol. In the Tarot, the 8th card in the Major Arcana is the Strength Card. It has imagery of a woman holding lion’s jaw, and an infinity symbol above her head. I see this as representing finding strength within the infinite cycles of balance and renewal.

The classic Raider-Waite tarot deck’s Strength Card.
  1. It reminds us that Leo’s ruler, the sun, is one radiant being among a sky full of radiant stars.

    Astronomically, regarding the importance of the Sirius-sun alignment in cultures throughout history, there is a growing hypothesis in the scientific community that Sirius may actually be a binary star to our sun. NASA has stated that 90% of stars are born with a binary partner. Could it be that our solar system was once part of a binary star system with Sirius? Ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and Dogon tribe placed great significance on Sirius. Perhaps they possessed advanced knowledge of this binary relationship that modern science is only now rediscovering.

    Symbolically, the concept of binary stars offers a beautiful representation of collective leadership. Rather than exalting a single center of gravity, a binary system has two stars that share a gravitational center. In astrology the sun is often thought of as the epicenter, the king, but I love this concept that so many suns out there also revolve around other suns! Following this, the Lions Gate Portal happening in Gate 7 invites us to reflect on how collective leadership could reshape our world. What if leadership was based on who has the energy, passion and insight to lead in the moment rather than rigid hierarchical structures?

Binary stars rotate around a center of mass known as the barycentre.

On a personal level, the Lion’s Gate Portal is an opportune time to contemplate your role in the big picture and how you can step into your own leadership. This leadership might manifest as virtuous acts that contribute to raising the consciousness of the collective. It's about honoring your unique gifts, your unique lionhearted radiance, while remembering we each play a part in shifting humanity towards a more collaborative, egalitarian future.

Tapping into Earth Energy and Personal Reflection

As the earth makes its cyclical transition from the fire and passion of summer to the abundant harvest of late summer, allow yourself space for inner reflection. Connect with the earth element and its qualities of sympathy, nourishment, balance and reciprocity. Let the cosmic energies available during this Lions Gate Portal fill you up so you can return to your life and relationships replenished and ready to lead through generosity, understanding and virtue. We all have a part to play in this collective awakening.

As we navigate this transitional period between seasons, I encourage you to tap into the earth energy within and around you. Embrace the abundance and virtuosity of the season, and give yourself the love and nourishment you deserve. Take time to reflect on your role in the larger picture and how you can contribute to the collective leadership of our world.

For me, this time has been one of introspection and facing emotions head-on. It's not always easy to sit with discomfort, but I believe that by embracing in our bodies the Earth’s stability and nourishment, we can find the strength to navigate even the most challenging emotions.

As we move through the Lions Gate portal and the late summer harvest season, let us remember the power of collective leadership and the importance of finding balance between giving and receiving. May we all tap into the earth energy within us and contribute our unique gifts to the greater good.

Shine from your heart (with collective liberation) in mind this week!

All my love <3


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