Astrosomatics Podcast
Cycles of Time: In Conversation with Jackson Mathey of Spirit River Sound

Cycles of Time: In Conversation with Jackson Mathey of Spirit River Sound

The Details Flow Through: A Belated Weekly Forecast for July 15-21

Hiya queridas,

How did last week’s Gate of Beginnings treat you? Did you decide which seeds of passion you want to tenderly nurture and care for as they grow? Did you start anything new? Let me know!

I apologize for the belated release of this episode: I was in rural Colorado at a hot spring finishing up my breathwork facilitator practicum and the internet was sloowwww! I had an amazing week of new beginnings; meeting lots of wonderful new people, soaking in the healing waters of Joyful Journeys, and finally getting my official certification to facilitate guided trauma-informed breathwork journeys. With everything that happened last week, it really was a perfect week to tune out of the social media/news cycle and tune into both my inner world and holding space for other people’s emotional releases and deep processing.

My partner Jackson and our daughter came to “Breath Camp” with me, and it was beautiful to integrate my family into my professional world- (thanks for your support, loves!) It was Jackson’s birthday on Monday July 15th, and we had a chance to record a late-night conversation about the themes of this season. Jackson was born with 3 planets in Cancer in his birth chart, so we chatted about the energies of Cancer, the Cancer-Capricorn axis that will be highlighted with tomorrow’s full moon, and his Human Design/I’Ching sun, Gate 62: The Gate of Details.

Jackson is an audio engineer at Spirit River Sound, a body and energy worker, and a nature photographer, and all of his work artistically taps into the cycles of time and the flow of nature that always exist around us. The way he plays with light, sound, and energy has been deeply inspiring since the day I met him, and I’m so excited bring you this conversation to get a taste of his depth and brilliance.

Jackson at the summit of Deception Peak.

Thanks so much for listening, and I’ll see y’all again next Monday for our regularly scheduled forecast as the sun leaves Cancer and enters Leo!

All my love as we continue to navigate a rapidly changing world, together.



This week’s highlights:

  • Monday, July 15: Mars/Uranus conjunction in Taurus

  • Friday, July 21: Full moon in Capricorn (yep, this is the 2nd full moon in Capricorn this year!)

  • Human Design/I’Ching:

    • July 12-18: the Sun is in Gate 62, the Gate of Details

    • Thurs-Sun and into next week: the Sun is in Gate 56, the Gate of Stimulation

This week’s themes:

  • Energized surprises

  • Let the Details Flow Through

  • Nurturing care vs. Structuring care

Our Place in the Wheel of the Year

  • Medicine Wheel Direction: South (Fire, Youth)

  • Wuxing Cycle Element: Fire

  • Pagan Season: Litha

  • Zodiac Season: Cancer (June 20-July 20)

  • Moon Phase: Full Moon in Capricorn

  • I Ching Hexagram/Human Design Gate: 53 (Sat-Fri)

    • 62 = Thunder over Mountain (Xiao Guo: “Small Exceeding”) or The Gate of DETAILS

    • 56 = Fire over Mountain (Lu: “The Wanderer”) or The Gate of STIMULATION

The Details Flow Through with Jackson Mathey

Tune into the episode audio above or anywhere you find podcasts to listen to my conversation with Jackson Mathey!

Enjoy these last days of Cancer season, and I’ll talk to y’all on Monday!




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