Hey there,
Welcome to your weekly forecast for February 3-9, 2025. The moon is waxing after last week’s Lunar New Year and New Moon in Aquarius. I hope you had a beautiful week of new beginnings last week, whether you celebrate the Chinese New Year, the Celtic festival of Imbolc, or both!
I, for one, was ready for another chance at a new beginning, so took the symbols and meanings of these first hints of spring quite literally, ritualistically sweeping off my stoop, cooking nourishing meals, gathering in song circles, and attending lions dances for prosperity. This week we start the Lunar New Year and halfway mark between Winter Solstice & Spring Equinox with the sun is traveling through the Human Design Gates of the Listener and Revolution. It seems like perfect timing for both of these….
Major astrology transits this week include Jupiter stationing direct in Gemini, giving us back some of the expansive energy we’ve been lacking when it comes to communication, local relationships, and social networking. Also, Neptune is conjoining the North Node in Pisces, bringing our potentially delulu fantasies and dreams in line with our worldly goals and ambitions.
Before we jump deeper into the forecast this week, I have a couple of quick announcements I wanted to mention.
First, thanks so much to all my new subscribers and followers- there are a lot of new faces here, and I wanted to extend a warm welcome to you!
Second, I made a little thing:
THE CYCLES OF TIME CALENDAR! If you want to attune deeper with the cycles in your own life, I put together a Cycles of Time Google Calendar for you. It’s available as a digital download on my Etsy store, and can be integrated with your existing Google Calendar, and includes lots of detailed info for each astro and HD transit. It helps me so much to be able to look at the transits alongside my calendar’s obligations and appointments and see when they’ll show up each month- I hope you find it useful too! <3
Third, a little preview of what’s to come with this project:
As I enter the final month of year one of doing this podcast, I wanted to take a moment to say how grateful I am for everyone who’s been reading and listening and reaching out. This has been a passion project and a labor of love, an experiment in attuning with the cycles of the year in my body and mind and reporting on my findings. Looking back over the course of the past year, I’m truly amazed by how much this practice has supported me, grounded me, and connected me with the earth and the universal stories of how our human ancestors have related to the changing seasons. I hope you’ve found some value in it too!
I started tracking and writing about the full and new moons with this Astrosomatics substack on the Astrological New Year (Spring Equinox) in 2023, and expanded my writings to include human design, the iching, the medicine wheel, the Daoist 5 element cycle, and the wheel of the year last Spring Equinox, 2024.
This 2025-2026 astrological cycle, I’m excited to move beyond writing and recording, and offer more opportunity for community engagement and personalized reflection. Starting with the beginning of Aries season on the Spring Equinox, I’ll be launching a membership called Embody the Revolution, which includes:
a monthly PDF Workbook sent to your inbox for each Zodiac sign
the Cycles of Time calendar I mentioned above
a monthly guided Breathwork session hosted by me on Zoom each new moon of the year, which will help us tune into our bodies and relate to the archetypes of the season
a monthly guided Reflection Session, where we’ll gather in community at the end of each season and chat about how the archetypical energies showed up for us.
You can join now by becoming a paid subscriber- the monthly sessions will begin in March. All founding members will also receive an astrology, human design, or custom Cycles of Time personalized reading of your choice.
I truly hope you’ll consider joining me in this journey! I’ll be launching a website with more info in the coming week as well, and am happy to answer any questions you have about it anytime- just shoot me an email at alison@astrosomatics.com.
You can also follow me on Instagram and Bluesky if you’re so inclined. Thanks as always for being here!
Now onto the week ahead!
This week’s highlights:
Tuesday, February 4: Jupiter stations direct in Gemini
Friday, February 7: Neptune conjunct North Node in Pisces
Human Design/I’Ching:
Last Sunday- Friday: Gate 13, the Gate of the Listener (aka “Fellowship with Others”
Saturday & Sunday: Gate 49, the Gate of Revolution
This week’s themes:
Listen with empathy
Ear to the ground with compassionate neutrality
Responsiveness instead of Reactivity
Revolutions are natural processes of upgrading outdated structures, but timing and internal clarity are vital
Our Place in the Wheel of the Year
Medicine Wheel Direction: EAST (Earth, Spring, Birth & Childhood, Physicality)
Wuxing Cycle Element: WATER > [EARTH] > WOOD (Earth is the transitional element that grounds us in between each distinct season)
Pagan Season: Imbolc
Zodiac Season: Aquarius (January 19- Feb 18)
Moon Phase: Waxing
I Ching Hexagram/Human Design: 13 (Mon-Fri), 49 (Sat & Sun)
13: Heaven over Fire or "Fellowship with Men", aka the Gate of THE LISTENER
49: Lake over Fire (Radical Change or Revolution), aka the Gate of REVOLUTION
Human Design Gate 13: The Gate of THE LISTENER (Monday-Friday)
In Human Design, Gate 13 is known as The Gate of the Listener, located in the G Center. It carries the energy of secrecy, trust, and deep listening. People with this gate defined are often natural confidants, as others are drawn to share their personal experiences and secrets with them. Gate 13 has a strong connection to the collective memory, absorbing and transmitting stories that shape the shared human experience. It represents the energy of hearing, witnessing, and holding the collective stories of humanity.
Gate 13 operates within the Channel of The Prodigal (13-33) when paired with Gate 33 in the Throat Center. This full channel represents the cyclical nature of storytelling—experiencing, retreating, and then sharing wisdom gained from the past. Those with Gate 13 alone may feel a deep responsibility to hold space for others’ narratives but must be mindful of what to share and when.
This gate also carries a karmic energy, drawing in people who need to unburden themselves. It is essential for those with Gate 13 to establish boundaries, as absorbing too many secrets without an outlet can become overwhelming. When operating in alignment, this gate brings clarity and wisdom to collective experiences. The shadow of this gate manifests when one becomes burdened by the secrets they hold or struggles with knowing when or how to share what they’ve learned. The wisdom of this gate is learning to discern which stories need to be spoken and which are best kept in trust.
Gene Key 13: From Discord to Empathy to Revelation
Richard Rudd’s Gene Keys expands on Gate 13 through the evolutionary spectrum of its shadow, gift, and siddhi:
Shadow: Discord – At its lowest expression, Gate 13 can become trapped in gossip, mistrust, or an inability to discern truth. The shadow of Discord arises when secrets are held with ill intentions or when one gets entangled in other people’s dramas. When we are disconnected from ourselves, we cannot truly listen to others, leading to misunderstandings, gossip, and isolation.
Gift: Discernment & Empathy – The gift of this key is the ability to listen deeply and hold space with compassionate neutrality. True discernment allows one to recognize the lessons within stories without becoming emotionally burdened by them. Discernment is the ability to listen beyond words, hear the truth beneath the surface, and recognize when to speak and when to remain silent.
Siddhi: Revelation – At its highest frequency, Gate 13 embodies the pure channel of divine remembrance, revealing profound truths and guiding collective healing through understanding and storytelling. Those who master this key serve as wisdom keepers who help humanity evolve by integrating past experiences into greater awareness. It embodies the wisdom that all stories are part of the great human experience.
I Ching Hexagram 13: Fellowship with Men/Others
In the I Ching, Gate 13 corresponds to Hexagram 13 – Fellowship with Others (Tong Ren, 同人). This hexagram speaks to the power of unity, shared experiences, and honest communication. It represents the potential for trust and cooperation when individuals come together in authenticity.
The wisdom of Hexagram 13 reminds us that true connection is built on honest, ethical relationships, and that listening with an open heart strengthens communities. However, it also warns of the dangers of dishonest alliances, manipulation, or misusing the trust others place in us. The key lesson of this hexagram is that true fellowship arises from sincerity and openness. It is not about superficial networking but rather about finding those with whom we share a deep, authentic resonance. The more we listen without attachment, the more we foster real unity.
“The image of the upper trigram is heaven, and that of the lower is flame. It is the nature of fire to flame up to the heaven. This hexagram forms a complement to hexagram 7, The Army. In the latter, danger is within and obedience without--the character of a warlike army, which, in order to hold together, needs one strong man among the many who are weak. This gives the idea of fellowship. Here, clarity is within and strength without--the character of a peaceful union of men, which, in order to hold together, needs one yielding nature among many firm persons.
Thus the superior man organizes the clans
And makes distinctions between things.
Heaven has the same direction of movement as fire, yet it is different from fire. Just as the luminaries in the sky serve for the systematic division and arrangement of time, so human society and all things that really belong together must be organically arranged. Fellowship should not be a mere mingling of individuals or of things--that would be chaos, not fellowship. If fellowship is to lead to order, there must be organization within diversity.”
- I’Ching Wilhelm Translation, 1950
Key Insights for Gate 13 Individuals
If you have Gate 13 defined, you are a natural listener, but be mindful of what you absorb. Some stories are meant to be held in silence, while others must be shared for the collective good.
Cultivate discernment—when to listen, when to speak, and when to let go. Not all secrets need to be carried indefinitely.
Reflect on what stories you are telling yourself—are they rooted in discord or wisdom?
Practice empathy, not just with others but also with yourself. Deep listening begins with inner awareness.
Gate 13 is a profound gate of wisdom, deeply tied to the heart of humanity. When lived at its highest potential, it connects us all through the power of shared experience and authentic connection.
Saturday-next Wednesday: Human Design Gate 49: The Gate of REVOLUTION
Gate 49, located in the Solar Plexus Center, is known as the Gate of Revolution in Human Design. It carries the energy of radical change, emotional clarity, and the restructuring of values and systems. Those with this gate are often deeply attuned to injustices and outdated structures, sensing when societal, relational, or personal paradigms must shift.
Gate 49 is part of the Channel of Sensitivity (Gate 49 → Gate 19), forming a crucial bond with Gate 19 (The Gate of Wanting). This channel represents the dynamics of emotional needs, tribal agreements, and the potential for evolutionary change. Gate 49 establishes principles for emotional and material sustainability, while Gate 19 senses what is needed for survival and connection. This energy is highly sensitive to loyalty and agreements, often bringing revolution when those agreements are broken or no longer align with core values.
Gene Key 49: From Reaction to Awareness to Rebirth
From the shadow to the siddhi, the 49th Gene Key follows the transformational path from reaction to revolution to rebirth.
Shadow: Reaction: At the shadow level, reaction arises from unprocessed emotions, leading to impulsive rebellion or the rejection of necessary change. This energy can manifest as emotional volatility, destruction for the sake of destruction, or the inability to trust others due to past betrayals. Reaction at this level is often fueled by fear, causing one to push away others or act before true clarity has emerged.
Gift: Awareness: Through awareness, this reactionary impulse refines into the gift of revolution. Here, the energy becomes purposeful and clear, allowing one to create meaningful transformation in alignment with deep emotional wisdom. Revolution at this level is not chaotic but guided by discernment, challenging oppressive systems while honoring human needs. Those embodying this frequency can become powerful change-makers, transforming outdated systems in ways that benefit the collective.
Siddhi: Rebirth: At its highest expression, the siddhi of rebirth emerges. This is a state of profound renewal, where one becomes an agent of spiritual transformation. Rebirth transcends personal or societal revolution, representing a complete shift in consciousness that reshapes reality from the inside out. At this level, change is no longer about external struggle but about the realization that true transformation begins within.
I Ching Hexagram 49: Revolution or Molting
In the I Ching, Gate 49 corresponds to Hexagram 49, known as Ge (Revolution or Molting). This hexagram speaks of fundamental change that arises when old structures no longer serve life. Just as a snake sheds its skin, revolution in this context is a natural and necessary process, though it requires the right timing and emotional clarity.
True revolution is not about reckless upheaval but about understanding when and how to initiate transformation. The hexagram advises patience, inner alignment, and the recognition that change must be rooted in truth to be lasting. Revolutions that arise from desperation or unchecked emotions often lead to further instability, whereas those built on deep integrity create lasting impact.
From Divination Foundation’s I’Ching analysis:
The elements of this hexagram are fire under water. Fire evaporates water, and water puts out fire. Similarly, change often causes conflict, and conflict brings about change. This hexagram refers to a time in the cycle o f human affairs when things are stirring up and the hint of dramatic change is in the air.
In order to succeed, a revolution must be in alignment with the laws of nature and good timing. It must begin at the right moment, gather support from a broad base of people, be guided by sincere and capable leaders, and—most important of all—address a real need. The strength of the forces of change will always be in proportion to the urgency of the need being championed. This is true whether the revolution is in government, business, education, or your own personal affairs.
Revolutionary change ushers in a period when chaos arises from order. Let’s remember that not all order is good and not all chaos bad. Chaos is often an integral part of the way things evolve—as any parent and evolutionary science will confirm. This hexagram reminds us to have the courage to radically change and renew the way we bring ourselves to life. In this way, you can channel chaos to your cause and unleash a new power on behalf of the good. If engaging in a negotiation, change the rules; if composing a piece of music, add the unexpected; if courting a lover, dare to be unconventional.
Combat between forces of dark and light are cyclical; as such, one can become aware of these cycles and master them through preparation. In periods of drought, even wild storms are preferable to just another sunny day. A new season awaits.
Practical Application for this Gate
If you have Gate 49 defined, you may feel a strong inner calling to challenge the status quo and initiate change. However, because this gate is emotionally based, clarity is essential. Avoid acting from the heat of the moment; instead, wait for emotional stability before making transformative decisions.
This gate calls for alignment with core principles. What do you stand for, and what values are worth protecting? The power of this gate is in knowing when a system or relationship has reached the point where transformation is necessary. When guided by emotional clarity and deep integrity, those with Gate 49 can lead revolutions that uplift humanity and pave the way for profound rebirth.
The links between Neptune & the North Node in Pisces, Jupiter in Gemini, and this week’s HD transits
Gate 13, Gate 49, and the North Node making a conjunction with Neptune in Pisces all share a deep connection to transformation, collective consciousness, and the dissolution of old structures to make way for higher wisdom.
Gate 13, as the Listener, absorbs and holds the collective stories of humanity, acting as a vessel for truth and unity. Gate 49, as the Revolutionary, initiates profound change by challenging outdated emotional, social, and systemic paradigms, ensuring that transformation aligns with evolving values.
Similarly, the North Node conjunct Neptune in Pisces calls for a dissolution of ego-driven attachments, guiding us toward spiritual surrender, compassion, and visionary ideals. All three energies hold a sensitivity to the undercurrents of human experience—Gate 13 through hearing and witnessing, Gate 49 through catalyzing change, and the North Node-Neptune alignment through transcending illusions and embracing divine flow.
Each represents a path of surrendering to a higher wisdom, whether through listening, revolution, or spiritual awakening, and all three require discernment in navigating emotions, truth, and transformation in service of the greater whole.
Jupiter stationing direct in Gemini also brings an expansive curiosity to this week, a hunger for knowledge, and a desire to connect seemingly disparate ideas, which weaves naturally into the themes of Gate 13, Gate 49, and the North Node conjunct Neptune in Pisces.
Gate 13 gathers and processes collective stories, Gate 49 catalyzes revolution through emotional clarity, and Neptune in Pisces dissolves boundaries to access spiritual truth—Jupiter in Gemini acts as the bridge, synthesizing these energies through communication, learning, and adaptability.
What a way to start the Lunar New Year, eh? Now that we’re a couple weeks away from the inauguration and it’s aftermath here in the US, I’m feeling a distinct energetic shift away from victimization, paralysis, and apathy toward the type of revolution that requires true fellowship, listening, and sticking the course with our unique and wonderful visionary ideals— and the energy of this week is just what we need for it.
Next week we have a full moon in Leo on Wednesday as the sun continues her transit through the Gate of Revolution, and then we’ll enter the gate of Feelings or Passion just in time for Valentines Day. I’m excited to have a special guest on the show next week, the deeply attuned and brilliant Rose Blakelock, to talk about her birthday season, so be sure to stay tuned for that.
All my best as we make our way through these cosmic and earthly cycles. Sending love, rest, and compassion your way <3
Stay in touch!
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