Astrosomatics with Alison Dale
Cycles of Time Podcast
The Limitations of American Exceptionalism
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -1:30:31

The Limitations of American Exceptionalism

Your weekly forecast for Jan. 20-27, 2025

Hey everybody.

As I sit to record this missive on Sunday, the night before the US Presidential Inauguration that we’ve been collectively dreading, I’m filled with anticipation for what will happen this week.

The sun has just entered the sign of Aquarius. On the 21st, Pluto is joining the sun here in an exact conjunction. It’s the first time that the two dichotomous celestial bodies are meeting in the sign of the Water-Bearer for almost 250 years. And it’s not going to be subtle.

When I compare the collective vibes to this time last year- when the sun met up with Pluto in the last degree of Capricorn- I’m struck by how different the Pluto/sun conjunction in Aquarius feels. A year ago, we were in the early stages of the genocide in Gaza. This was a major catalyst for so many of us to start truly understanding the real underbelly of our existing monolithic systems- government, corporations, media. Capricorn represents structures, systems, hierarchies, and organizations, and Pluto meeting the sun in the final degree of the sign shone a light into the dark underworld of these institutions with a brightness that no one could ignore.

A year later, with Pluto meeting the sun in Aquarius, a flashlight is being shined just as brightly on the underbelly of all things Aquarius: technology, social media, and how we form communities and networks. This is showing up blatantly with things like the Tiktok ban being enforced and then reinstated over the past couple of days, Trump launching his own meme-coin valued at $60 billion dollars (followed in turn by his wife Melania launching her own), and the fact that Musk, Zuckerberg, Bezos, and TikTok CEO Shou Chou (among others) are all attending the Inauguration as honored guests. At the first degree of Aquarius, the tech broligarchy is seamlessly merging with the government, the media, and entertainment.

In the Human Design wheel of the year, Inauguration Day and the Pluto/Sun conjunction are both happening in Gate 60, the Gate of Limitation. This gate represents coming to terms with reality and accepting certain limitations in our lives (how fitting…) This is the Gate that spans between Capricorn and Aquarius seasons. I like to think of the image of Capricorn the sea-goat climbing a mountain and seeing other peaks, wanting to connect with them but being limited by space-time, ultimately by gravity. Aquarius takes the bounds of this limitation of gravity and uses innovation to create levity, which in the Gene Keys is associated with justice - the ability to lift up and transcend something weighing us down. Gate 60 is about becoming aware of our limitations before we are able to transcend them, needing to understanding the boundaries that define our current situation before we can move forward. This recognition of limitations is seen as a necessary step before moving into new possibilities and changes.

As I sit with Gate 60 during this pivotal week of January 2025, I'm struck by how perfectly it is reflected in what's happening with the mass awakening to the limitations of American Exceptionalism, the cultural myth that Americans are better- and also better off- than the rest of the world.

This showed up in an almost comically sudden way: Last week, many Americans were freaking out about losing their platform for free speech and connection with the TikTok ban…. so millions of us flooded en masse to Xiaohongshu (“Little Red Book”), a Chinese social media app that is entirely in Mandarin. 170 million Americans have accounts on TikTok, a place that has become a safe haven for speaking your mind, and with the threat of this being taken away, there was a mass migration of “TikTok refugees” to the Chinese Xiaohongshu, which is known in English as RedNote. The app quickly became the number 1 downloaded app on the app store, and millions of Americans have been joining in the cultural exchange to open arms from people across the globe.

I myself joined to see what the hubbub was all about, and found it to be a truly lovely experience, with so many Chinese influencers jumping in to welcome all the TikTok Refugees to their slice of the internet and offering to teach us all Chinese. The most striking thing that I’ve noticed on the app is how truly amazed American people seem about the kindness, friendliness, and wholesomeness of the Chinese creators. Beyond that, there is utter surprise that China is not entirely a smog-and-poverty filled Commie distopia, but instead has beautiful cities and nature, hilarious dance and fashion influencers, universal healthcare, and a grocery hauls of beautiful fresh produce and meat that costs a fraction of what it does in the US. People are so genuinely shocked because there has been widespread propaganda about China for so long in our culture, and also an invisible-to-us propaganda about the exceptionalism of America.

I lived in China in 2005-2006, and I remember feeling that same revelation (about mutual propaganda) at that time so distinctly. I had long been aware of the social censorship of Chinese citizens by the Chinese government, but before living there I had no clue about how much censorship and deliberate narratives by the American government that was deeply influencing how I saw the world. I lived there during was the time of the Iraq war, and in the US the news outlets were only showing CGI diagrams of planes and talking-head pundits yelling at eachother about WMDs, but no actual footage of the war. When I got to China and turned on the news, there was plenty of Pro-China propaganda, but when it came to the American-involvement in the war, I was able to see actual footage and reporting of what was happening on the ground in the Middle East for the first time….. and I realized what a different story was being told to me in my own country. I was in my early 20s then, and it definitely affected how I saw the world and the biases in media for the rest of my life.

Of course, social media has changed the global landscape for how much censorship and control there can be from the top-down, and it is a lot harder to control the emergent internet than it is a few cable TV channels. But despite the distributed nature of social media, it will still always have someone- some nation state or corporation or ideology- that seeks to benefit from controlling the narrative. So as Pluto and the Sun dance in Aquarius in the Gate of Limitations, I am amazed at how this loophole of cultural exchange came through the cracks last week, allowing real humans from opposite sides of the globe to get a glimpse into how they have long been gaslit by the powers that are supposed to be on their side. Witnessing people’s minds being blown by this right now is deeply gratifying, despite the anticipation I continue to feel at this 11th hour… before everything could change.

Just as Capricorn climbs to the mountaintop only to realize there are other peaks and landscapes beyond it’s individual mountain, Americans on Xiaohongshu/RedNote are having their own mountaintop revelation. For decades, we've stood on the peak of American exceptionalism, believing our view was not just the highest, but the only one worth seeing. Now, as "TikTok refugees" on this Chinese social media platform, we're discovering how limited our perspective has been.

The beautiful irony isn't lost on me - in trying to limit Chinese influence by banning TikTok, we've inadvertently created an exodus to an even more Chinese platform. Through Xiaohongshu, Americans are coming face-to-face with realities that challenge our long-held beliefs: affordable fresh food in China, accessible healthcare, modern megacities that look like they're from the future. It's forcing us to accept the limitations of our narrative about American superiority.

This is exactly what Gate 60 teaches us - that acknowledging limitations isn't about giving up, but about gaining clarity. Just as gravity is a limitation that gives rise to levity and justice, our current limitations around American exceptionalism might be giving rise to something new: genuine cultural exchange, humility, and the recognition that other peoples and places have equal weight and validity to our own.

In this way, I see Gate 60 as a necessary preparation for the changes ahead. We must first accept where we truly stand before we can build authentic connections across our differences. The limitation becomes the very thing that allows for transformation.

This week’s highlights:

  • Monday, January 20:

    • US Inauguration Day,

    • Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius

  • First full week of Aquarius season

  • Wednesday, January 22: The Human Design Rave New Year (when the sun enters Gate 41, the gate of Contraction)

  • Saturday, January 25: Planetary lineup in the Southeastern skies- Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars are in a row in the sky (In February, Mercury will join the party for a 7 planet lineup)

  • Human Design/I’Ching:

    • Last Friday- Tuesday: Gate 60: The Gate of Acceptance/Gate of Limitations

    • Wednesday- next Monday: Gate 41: The Gate of Contraction

This week’s themes:

  • A bright awareness of the things that have been lurking in the darkness…

  • Knowing what your limits are helps you understand how to move past them

  • Before the birth of a new beginning, there are subtle contractions and expansions of a seed. This seed is called imagination. Use it.

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Our Place in the Wheel of the Year

  • Medicine Wheel Direction: NORTH (Wind, Elderhood, Spirituality)

  • Wuxing Cycle Element: WATER

  • Pagan Season: Yule

  • Zodiac Season: Aquarius (January 19- Feb 18)

  • Moon Phase: Waning Moon

  • I Ching Hexagram/Human Design: Gate 60 (Mon-Tues), 41 (Fri-Sun)

    • 60: Water over Lake or "Limitation", aka the Gate of ACCEPTANCE OF LIMITATIONS

    • 41: Mountain over Lake or "Decrease", aka the Gate of CONTRACTION

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The Sun Meets up with Pluto in Aquarius on Tuesday

The Sun-conjunct Pluto happening in Aquarius on Tuesday, the day after the US presidential inauguration, is a potent, powerful aspect. The conscious, creative life force of the Sun is meeting the planet of death, destruction, and rebirth, and the vibes are anything but subtle. Pluto, or Hades in the Greek pantheon, is the god of the riches of the underworld. So the sun cozying right up next to him illuminates and clarifies what shattering transmutation is necessary in our consciousness in order to uncover those buried riches.

The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was from 1778 to 1798, and during that period of time, we saw the American Revolution, the Haitian Revolution, the French Revolution, and the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Other Pluto in Aquarius cycles throughout history are also linked with revolution.

Over the past few years, many astrologers (myself included) have been deeply focusing on Pluto as he finished up his journey through Capricorn and entered quarius. This is partly because he ingress of the slowest moving planet into a new sign is a big energetic shift, any way you shake it. But what has made Pluto such a huge focus of attention in recent years is the fact that he had returned to the same place in the sky that he was in 1776, the year the United States of America was founded. We have just wrapped up what is known as the Pluto Return of the United States, and we’ve been in the midst of it since 2022.

Similar to how a Saturn Return can shake up the stable foundations of an individual’s life when Saturn returns to the place in the Zodiac where it was when they were born (around age 27-30, and every 27-30 years after that), a Pluto Return every 248 years can fundamentally transform a nation. Having a planet come back to the same degree of the same sign allows us to see more clearly what the vibes were (for lack of a better word) during the birth of a nation, person, or event.

Right now in the US, there is an underlying fear of losing control of how things have been (because they’re the best way, right…? Make America Great Again?…) This tight holding-on is likely because of (and despite) the collective knowledge that an inevitable change is soon coming…or already rumbling out from under the surface.

The United States, it can be argued, was founded and established by a group of people who were so convinced that their way was the best way that they set out to separate and distinguish themselves from the British Empire. Initially, the puritanical pilgrims believed that the Church of England was too liberal, and 150 years later the colonists/founding fathers believed that Parliament intended to take away their freedom. The Declaration of Independence itself was a document forged with the idealised notion that all people are created equal, but we all know by now the truth that that statement didn’t include women, indigenous people, or any person except Christian white men.

Pluto’s job is to reveal what has been hidden beneath the surface, in the shadows, and the United States is deep in the muck of this process. The past few years have brought to the surface for all to witness, the corruption, institutionalized racism, white supremacy, and deep structural power imbalances that exist in the country- so much of which has historically been swept under the rug in the name of ‘upholding democracy’. It feels quite fitting that as Pluto moves deeper into Aquarius, the leaders of the country are doubling down on their power plays and hierarchies once again.

What underbelly will be revealed during Pluto’s 20 years ahead in Aquarius? Many of us are crossing our fingers that, like the 5th Dimension’s hopeful lyrics, this transit will reveal a shift to community-mindedness, power-to-the-people, and utopian worldviews proliferating. However, before the true Age of Aquarius can arrive, we’ll surely have to reckon with some potentially dark sides of the sign: technological overreach, AI, cryptocurrencies, objectivity and data taking place of emotions and heart, avoiding present issues in favor of far-off future visions, detachment and aloofness, and the devastaring consequences and losses that can come from power struggles within socio- political revolutions.

The next 20 years, to be sure, will be unlike any time period that anyone living today has experienced before- and probably far beyond our wildest dreams. Science fiction, from Phillip K. Dick to Star Wars to Black Mirror, has been exposing us to potential future outcomes for most of our lives. Some of these are utopian, but more reveal the dystopic potentials that could evolve if we don’t keep paying attention, and doubling down with curiosity on the question “What does it mean to be human?”

The Aquarian role in the Cycle of Life

Aquarius, the second-to-last sign of the Zodiac is a deeply wise sign, a sign that truly understands that there is a vast, interconnected expanse that lies beyond the immediate world of our personal experiences.

So far in this cycle of the year, spring signs Aries, Taurus, and Gemini have shown us the immediacy of our bodies- our breath, our skin, our hearts, our brains. Cancer, Leo, and Virgo have shown us about survival in our close environments- when to retreat inward, when to express outward, and when to be of sovereign service. Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius have shown us about the connections we make with others, bringing into contact with people from our present, our past, and those who will shape our future. Capricorn has helped us understand what is worth fighting for, and it is because of self-love and love for the others we have met on our journey that we work so hard to climb from the depths of the sea up to the peaks of our mountain.

And now, on the precipice of air-sign Aquarius’ month in command, we have arrived at the summit of our journey. As we gaze out at the vast univese beyond our meat-suits, we can now clearly witness the truth that we are a beautifully interwoven part of something much bigger than ourselves.

The only question is: how do we embody this interwoven tapestry? How do we transcend the limitations of gravity, of the singular mountain that we currently stand on, and reach out to form a web of shared interdependence with the whole world? How can my seed of lived experience meet your seed of lived experience?

In ecology, the first 6 signs of the astrological wheel of the year (Aries through Virgo) represent the abundant life that exists above ground in Spring and Summer. The last 6 signs, Libra through Pisces, represent the process of decomposition, the creation and expansion of Soil in Fall and Winter. When something living dies, it becomes part of the soil beneath it, breaking down into pieces and merging with other beings, beings that died in the last cycle as well as the infinite number of cycles before that.

Libra season is the first breath of death, of leaves falling from the trees and partnering with the ground. Scorpio is the time when the first still water- rain, snow and ice- seep into the earth and soften the dead plant matter, decomposing it into nutrients. Sagittarius season is mutable fire- the late autumn controlled fires that traditionally burned the remaining plant matter above ground so that it could better merge with the soil. Capricorn, the water and the mountain, is cardinal earth- the official creation of brand new soil through the wintry erosion of rock mixed with the composted life from the previous cycle.

The soil beneath us is rich here, in the onset of Aquarius season. As rich as the tapestry of sky, land, and water that we see from the top of this mountain peak. It is only in this rich soil- a soil that has taken so much time to cultivate- that Aquarius can easily connect each seed together through a network of aerated pathways: mycelium.

Aquarius is an air sign, but is often confused for a water sign since its totem is the Water Bearer. To clear up this misinterpretation, I like to think of the notion that before pouring water from the vessel, the earth has to be aerated, with trenches dug to create the air-filled channels. In nature, mycelial networks of underground fungi create this aeration. This is so when the bearer of water pours the liquid in, or the nourishing rains of Pisces season arrrive, it can reach all the communities and places that need it. Our next Zodiacal season, Pisces, is a mutable water sign, and the Aquarian air-channels create a structure for that water to benefit the most. In this way, Aquarius represents technology meeting community & humanitarianism at it’s finest. Aquarius is a connector, providing an active link between our radiant solar selves, our local worlds, our personal experiences- and the truth that we are all deeply interconnected within the greater whole.

Pluto is not the ruler of Aquarius, but both are deeply intimate with the workings of the underground world. The difference: Pluto is comfortable in his home in the muck and the mire, and Aquarius is looking for innovative ways to aerate the soil, to bring light into the darkness, to create spaces for the fluidic dreams of Pisces to flow through.

As we enter a new era of American ‘leadership’ on the eve of this Pluto-Sun conjunction in Aquarius, let us remember the incredible creativity that it takes to transcend beyond the inherent limitations of the self, the body, the local, the known world. Let us remember the bravery it takes merge with the great unknown to create something distinctly new.

With Pluto in Aquarius, we know the old world we once thought we understood is not coming back. It’s time to simultaneously lift off the old mountain and aerate the rich soil, like mycelium connecting the roots of trees together It’s time to do our part in creating something completely different.

And with that….

On Wednesday, Gate 41 ushers in the Human Design “Rave New Year”

In Human Design, the Rave New Year does not align with the traditional Gregorian calendar but is instead tied to a specific astrological event: the Sun's movement into Gate 41. The 64 gates correlate with the 64 codons of dna in genetics, and this specific gate corresponds to the start codon in genetic coding. It serves as the genetic "start codon" because, in biological terms, it correlates with the codon that begins the process of translating DNA into RNA, initiating life itself.

Similarly, in Human Design, Gate 41 symbolizes the energetic starting point for imagination, manifesting new possibilities and beginning the experiential process. Gate 41 is known as "Decrease" in the I Ching, representing imagination, fantasy, and the initiation of new experiences. The Rave New Year signifies the start of creative potential, where the seed of imagination begins to take form in the collective. It emphasizes moving from ideas to experience. Gate 41 is in the Root Center, which governs pressure and drive. The energy here pushes us to begin something new and to pursue desires or dreams that are uniquely personal yet linked to collective evolution.

41 In Human Design

Gate 41 lives in the Root Center, carrying the energy of beginnings, imagination, and the spark of new possibilities. It is the starting point of the Human Design Mandala and represents the potential for new experiences and adventures. Gate 41 is the gate of fantasy and vision, where dreams are born, and the seeds of desire take root.

The energy of Gate 41 is deeply creative and emotional, driven by the urge to bring dreams into reality. It’s the pressure to imagine a better future, to dream big, and to initiate new cycles. However, this energy also comes with an emotional undercurrent, as the path from desire to manifestation can be unpredictable and filled with highs and lows.

When used well, Gate 41 becomes a source of inspiration and the drive to move forward in life with intention. It reminds us that every great journey begins with a single step—or in this case, a single spark of imagination.

41 In the Gene Keys

In the Gene Keys, the shadow of 41 is Fantasy, the Gift is Anticipation, and the Siddhi is Emanation.

  • Shadow (Fantasy): At the shadow frequency, Gate 41 can lead to living in a world of illusions. Instead of acting on desires, there’s a tendency to escape into daydreams and avoid the real work needed to make those dreams a reality.

  • Gift (Anticipation): When you align with the energy of Gate 41, fantasy transforms into anticipation. You begin to trust the natural timing of life, embracing the excitement of what’s to come while staying grounded in the present moment.

  • Siddhi (Emanation): At its highest expression, Gate 41 transcends desire and becomes a pure emanation of creative energy. It’s a state of being where imagination flows effortlessly, creating beauty and possibility without attachment or expectation.

41 in the I’Ching…

Hexagram 41 in the I’Ching is known as “Decrease”, or Mountain Over Lake: Like a reservoir used to irrigate the fields, learning to accept a temporary decrease—in position, feelings, or material possessions—prepares the way for an increase in the future (Divination Foundation). This hexagram speaks to the importance of simplifying life and focusing energy on what truly matters. It reminds us that by letting go of excess, we create space for new opportunities to emerge.

In nature, the lake evaporates to form clouds that drop rain, which nurtures the surrounding forest. As the forest grows thick, more rain is captured to increase the lake. Similarly, some evaporation of resources, or a decrease in one area of your life, will give rise to an eventual increase in another. A loss of responsibility at work can mean more free time, and more free time may generate greater creativity or more career options. In general, a decrease can free the spirit and fill the soul with a lofty and satisfying sense of purpose.

The I’Ching teaches that limitation, in this sense, is a blessing—it refines our desires and focuses our energy on what is most aligned with our higher purpose.

“Reducing your immediate expectations may be a necessary step toward your greater dreams and aspirations. This is not a time to panic. It is a time to value simplicity and enjoy the natural world.” -iFate Iching

How to Work With Gate 41

  • Honor the Spark: Every great adventure begins with a single idea or desire. Nurture your dreams and give them the space to grow, but remain grounded in action.

  • Balance Fantasy with Reality: Use your imagination to envision the life you want, but don’t get lost in daydreams. Take steps toward turning your visions into reality.

  • Trust the Timing: Gate 41 reminds us that not everything happens at once. Patience and trust in the unfolding process are essential.

Gate 41 calls us to embrace the power of imagination while staying grounded in the real world. It’s the energy of beginnings, urging us to dream big, focus our desires, and take the first step toward new experiences. When we align with its energy, Gate 41 inspires us to turn our visions into reality and trust the beauty of the journey ahead.


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I guess that’s about all there is to say at this point. It’s Sunday night here, and it feels like anything could happen tomorrow. I’m wishing you all a restful, creative week ahead. See you next Monday.



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