Hey everyone,
Here we are in week 2 of Pisces season, entering the 3rd month of this crazy year. And, lucky us, the retrogrades continue.
Last week I wrote about Mars stationing direct after an almost 3-month retrograde in Leo and Cancer. Now, without even a week going by, Venus- the planet of love, beauty, desire, aesthetics, and what we value- is stationing retrograde on Saturday, March 1, inviting us to revisit, reevaluate, reimagine, and revise these areas of life that she governs. Relationships- and ex-relationships - are sure to take center stage during this period, mostly because relationships are the portals through which we learn what we value and desire.
Venus will begin her retrograde in Aries and then re-enter Pisces on March 27, where she will continue perceptually moving backwards until April 12. As usual, look to your birth chart for the houses that contain Aries and Pisces for more information on how this retrograde may affect you more personally.
For me, Aries is in the 9th house, home of philosophy, higher education, and travel. I’m recording this beforehand, but I will have just returned from a 2 week trip to Costa Rica, so there’s no doubt in my mind that I’ll be in deep reevaluation about how to harmonize my values and desires in regards to these areas of life in the week ahead!
Quite fittingly (as usual), the Human Design Gate that the sun is highlighting this week leading up to Venus stationing Rx is the Gate of Harmony, known in the I’Ching as “The Family (People in the Home)”. Regardless of what house will be affected by Venus’s 40-day review period, this gate shines some extra attention on our closest relationships, and how we contribute to creating harmony (or the lack thereof) within our home & family life.
The moon is meeting the sun in this gate on Thursday, for the new moon in Pisces, so it seems like a perfect week to plant conscious seeds about the people in your world that you’d like to show some extra grace and empathy for in the coming weeks, knowing that it will be a time of relational reflection.
As we wrap up the last week of February and enter March, please give yourself some loving care as well. If you follow many astrologers these days, you’ve probably picked up that March is one of the more intense months of 2025. I know it sometimes feels like it couldn’t get any more turnt up, but we have a number of transits in March that are not so subtle, like Neptune entering Aries after being in Pisces since 2011. Eclipse season also begins next month, with a lunar eclipse in Virgo happening on the next new moon.
That makes this week’s new moon extra important as far as manifestation goes, since it is generally not advised to try to plant seeds or manifest during eclipses. Eclipses often bring sudden shifts when the light of the sun is eclipsed by darkness. Since the sun represents our conscious willpower, it is not a time to try to access that willpower, and instead allow the universe to unfold in its own surprising way.
That being said, this week’s new moon in Pisces is the perfect occasion to align your emotional desires and values with your conscious intentions, especially as they relate to harmony and the people closest to you. We are living through interesting times, indeed, and it’s important to reflect on how much we lean on the people in our inner circles and how much they lean on us.
This week’s highlights:
Thursday, February 27: New moon in Pisces
Saturday, March 1: Venus stations retrograde in Aries
Human Design/I’Ching:
Mon- Saturday: Gate 27, the Gate of Harmony/Community/Family
Sunday: Gate 63, the Gate of Doubt
This week’s themes:
Harmony and understanding, empathy and trust abounding….
Manifestations and planting seeds for relationship review during the upcoming Venus Rx period
A healthy family dynamic is one where interdependence is cultivated with intention
Our Place in the Wheel of the Year
Medicine Wheel Direction: East (Earth, Spring, Birth & Childhood, Physicality)
Wuxing Cycle Element: Wood
Pagan Season: Imbolc
Zodiac Season: PISCES (Feb 18-March 20)
Moon Phase: New Moon in Pisces (Thursday)
I Ching Hexagram/Human Design: 37 (Mon-Saturday), 63 (Sun)
37: Wind over Fire, or “The Family (People in the Home)”, aka the Gate of HARMONY
63: Water over Fire or “After Completion (Already Fording)”, aka the Gate of DOUBT
Thursday: New Moon in Pisces in the Gate of Harmony
The sun will be transiting through the Gate of Harmony, known as “Family” in the I’ching, from Monday-Saturday, and will be met by the moon on Thursday for this year’s new moon in Pisces.
Being in this gate, the New Moon in Pisces offers a powerful opportunity for emotional renewal, paying special attention to family relationships. Another name for Gate 37 is Community, so family here can mean blood family or chosen family; the people you dwell near and form close bonds with. Gate 37 carries the energy that everyone in the circle are worthy of respect and value, and emphasizes strong communication and healthy boundaries so that everyone can play an interdynamic role in creating a foundational unit of people.
In recent years, I’ve heard SO many people (myself included) talking about and deeply desiring the type of harmonious community described in this gate. Everyone I know wants to buy some land with chosen family/friends and create a thriving interdependent eco-village, so that we can rid ourselves of the toxic loneliness and/or codependency that thrives in the modern world of late-stage capitalism. If not an ecovillage, then at least we all want to move into more walkable neighborhoods and have regular family-style dinners with our friends.
One thing that has been surfacing for me recently, with all the talk about this ideal notion of ‘community’, is the observation that everyone wants to be part of an interdependent, thriving community but not everyone wants to- or knows how to -contribute to said community. One influencer I follow called it straight out and noted that it’s mostly white/American folks that talk about an ideal community, but only people of color who actually move beyond the talk and do community.
I think the issue is that when we have an idealized notion of how a group dynamic should feel for us, without being willing to look at ourselves clearly, to get to know our own values and desires really well, to hold strong boundaries about those desires and values, AND to provide clear value and contribution to the group itself, the ideal can easily fall apart. Family-community harmony takes a LOT of self awareness, empathy…and work. Interpersonal work that people with institutional/capitalist privilege have had the luxury (or the curse) of not having to partake in for a good long while, since relationships within capitalism are set up to be transactional and not interpersonal.
Community- and family- takes a lot of consistent work, and it is the type of work that is SO rewarding. You can’t just set and forget rules in a family, because people and the relationships between them are always changing and shifting. Community is the most alive thing I can imagine, but many of us are tempted into thinking that if we just had some good bylaws and covenants and family rules that we wouldn’t have to put as much constant effort into communication. How wrong that is.
This week, Gate 37 shows us that trust built over time, shared responsibilities, self-awareness and healthy boundaries, and good communication are primary foundations in most all family dynamics. Each person must be encouraged to find his or her position and appropriate contribution, and find flexibility and space to work with others in co-creating a living dynamic. It’s key to approach your differences with gratitude, as the family, or any group of people you are in close proximity with, is a perfect place to see your real face- in their mirror.
37 in the I’Ching: The Family
Hexagram 37, "The Family" or "Dwelling People." in the I Ching, emphasizes the importance of family relationships and the roles each member plays in maintaining harmony and order within the family unit. This hexagram is often interpreted as a guide for fostering harmony and cooperation in personal relationships, particularly within the family.
“During times of adversity, we turn back to the family.” The Gentle Wind stirs above the Clinging Fire, fanning it and sustaining illumination. Chia Jen is the hearth fire, kept burning during times of trouble. It is a place where we find safety and nourishment during difficult times.
Within this small circle, you can observe your character active in the larger aspect of society. You may think you are only different in family dynamics, but this is not true. Heat creates energy. The Wind stirs it up and is excited by it. The truthfulness of the family circle simply has a way of activating dynamics more quickly.” (Cafe au Soul.com)
To put the family in order, we must cultivate our personal life;
and to cultivate our personal life, we must first set our hearts right. –Kung fu Tzu
A harmonious family is a team that symbolizes the ideal of human interdependence, and has long provided a foundation for society. The healthy family is an embryo of community and the native soil in which ethical values take root and grow. Fertilize this soil, and the entire society benefits. Learn to listen to and receive help from others, and be willing to assume an appropriate role in any group you belong to. A good team player is supremely valuable to everyone. (From Divination Foundation on Hexagram 37)
Gene Key 37: Weakness –> Equality –> Tenderness
The 37th Gene Key, like the I’Ching and Human Design interpretations, is deeply connected to themes of family, collaboration, and cohesion. It moves from the shadow of Weakness to the gift of Equality and ultimately to the siddhi of Tenderness. This Gene Key is linked to emotional intelligence, relationships, and the transformation of perceived weakness into deep inner strength and unity.
Shadow: Weakness
At the shadow level, Weakness in the 37th Gene Key manifests as emotional insecurity and dependency. This is often rooted in the wounded feminine energy—where individuals may feel powerless, overly dependent on external validation, or unable to stand in their true emotional strength. On the other side, the wounded masculine expression of this shadow can manifest as dominance or the suppression of emotions.
This shadow plays out in relationships, particularly in family dynamics, where there may be an imbalance of power, codependency, or a sense of victimhood. The core of this shadow is the illusion that we must either submit or control, leading to unhealthy relational patterns. The way to transcend this shadow is through awareness—recognizing where we feel weak or disempowered and understanding that true strength comes from emotional openness and trust rather than force or control.
Gift: Equality
When the shadow of Weakness is alchemized, it transforms into the gift of Equality. This is not about sameness but about honoring the natural balance between energies—particularly the masculine and feminine forces within and around us. At this level, relationships begin to heal, as we recognize that true connection is based on mutual respect, emotional intelligence, and the ability to give and receive love in a balanced way. Equality is not about competition but about harmony, where each individual is seen and valued for their unique contribution.
This gift fosters community, cooperation, and emotional maturity, leading to relationships that are based on mutual support rather than power struggles. People who embody this gift become natural peacemakers, helping to restore balance in families, relationships, and societies.
Siddhi: Tenderness
At its highest expression, the 37th Gene Key blooms into Tenderness—a state of divine, unconditional love. Tenderness is the ultimate strength because it requires a completely open heart. This is the pure, healing energy of the Divine Feminine, which embraces all aspects of existence with deep compassion and love.
Tenderness transcends all barriers, softening even the hardest hearts. It is a deeply nurturing and sacred energy that dissolves division, reconnecting people to their innate innocence. At this level, there is no fear, no struggle—only the pure expression of love in its most delicate and powerful form. People who embody this siddhi radiate a presence of unconditional love, touching the lives of those around them with healing and grace. The world seen through the eyes of Tenderness is one where all beings are sacred, and everything is an expression of divine love.
This Gene Key reminds us that true strength lies in vulnerability and that through honoring the balance of energies within ourselves, we help bring harmony to the world.
Saturday: Venus stations retrograde in Aries
On Saturday, Venus stations retrograde in Aries, without so much as a breather after the Mars retrograde. (Fun fact: Mercury will be stationing retrograde mid-March, as well to add some revisioning of communications to the plate!)
Venus retrogrades occur once every eighteen months, lasting about forty days. These cycles follow an eight-year pattern, meaning that every Venus retrograde tends to bring back themes, relationships, and emotional experiences from the past eight years, echoing unresolved lessons and rekindling familiar longings. This makes Venus retrograde a period of profound self-reflection, revision, and reimagining regarding topics of love, relationships, self-worth, and personal values.
(The rose petal geometry that is formed by the dance of venus and the earth as they orbit the sun is one of my favorite things- it’s the sigil for my art and clothing project Cosmic Odyssey Art! See the video below for this 8-year dance)
Venus retrograde can often trigger feelings of not being "good enough," attractive enough, or lovable enough. Deep-seated insecurities may rise to the surface, revealing wounds that still require healing. Self-love becomes a central theme—either because it feels absent or because we are being asked to redefine what it truly means.
Some of us may overcompensate for these fears, indulging in excessive pleasures such as overeating, serial dating, or chasing external validation. Others may take the opposite approach, convincing ourselves that they don’t need love at all. Many people oscillate between these two extremes throughout their lives or throughout the retrograde period. However, true growth during Venus retrograde comes from finding balance—honoring the longing for love while cultivating an unshakable inner contentment.
This is a time to turn inward and recognize that happiness cannot be found in another person alone. It must be cultivated within. When you take responsibility for your own joy, the love you attract will be a reflection of that self-fulfillment rather than a desperate attempt to fill an inner void.
Venus retrograde in Aries carries a particularly fiery, independent, and intense energy. Aries, ruled by Mars, represents desire, self-assertion, and raw passion, making this transit one that challenges our autonomy in love. Aries Venus longs for excitement, pursuit, and immediate gratification, but in retrograde motion, those very impulses are blocked, reversed, or forced into deeper contemplation.
This can be a period of:
Re-evaluating self-worth in relationships – Are you asserting your needs, or are you bending too much for others?
Understanding impulsive love patterns – Do you chase love for the thrill, only to lose interest? Or do you sabotage intimacy for fear of losing independence?
Revisiting past loves – Aries is quick to burn bridges, but this retrograde may have old flames returning, bringing a chance for closure or reconsideration.
Questioning attraction and desire – What do you truly want? Do you crave freedom or commitment? Are your attractions based on ego validation or genuine connection?
Venus retrograde in Aries asks: Who are you without external admiration? Who are you when you're not chasing or being chased? It’s a journey toward discovering love that isn't based on conquest, competition, or fleeting passion but on authentic self-expression and self-sufficiency.
Venus, in her usual state, is an expert in charm, attraction, and persuasion—an archetype deeply attuned to making herself desirable to others. But in retrograde, the focus shifts inward. We are asked to sit with our own longing, to become uncomfortable in uncertainty, and to learn how to appreciate anticipation rather than instant gratification.
This is a period where passion simmers rather than ignites, where we must resist the impulse to chase or force connections and instead embrace the art of patience. Sometimes, we must learn to sit in the tension of an unfulfilled crush, feel the ache of an unanswered desire, or—even more painfully—release what is not meant to be.
So, in this time of reflection, let yourself lean into the sweet agony of desire. Let yourself feel the pull of longing without needing to resolve it immediately. And if love or connection eludes you, remember- sometimes, Venus retrograde is the space between heartbeats, the pause before the next great love arrives.
As a person born with Venus retrograde in my natal chart, I understand the Venus Rx vibes pretty well, the deep oscillation between thinking I don’t need anyone and looking for external validation. As I have learned about these periods of time when Venus is retrograde in the sky every couple of years, I have used it as a sign to slow down in relationship, like I would slow my roll on the roadways if the weather report predicted snow or rain. All retrogrades, regardless of the planet, are review periods for that planet’s themes, so if we don’t allow space for conscious and vulnerable review, including space to process feelings that arise, then we can get stuck reviewing in ways that are a lot more uncomfortable.
I remember during the 2020 Venus retrograde in Leo, everyone was on lockdown so everyone was naturally slowed down, and that retrograde was one of the most fruitful and honest re-examinations of relating and love that I’ve ever experienced. During that period, I received calls from almost everyone I ever dated, and we shared so much tenderness about how we had impacted each-other’s lives. It was very Leo-tinted, filled with heartfelt and honest self-expression about the meaning of love.
This year with Venus in Aries I’m not expecting the same result, but I mention this to say that Venus Rx doesn’t have to scare you or be all bad…. it’s an important time of thinking about how we connect with others and what we deeply value and desire ourselves.
Have a beautiful week of intention setting as we celebrate the new moon in the Gate of Harmony and prepare for 40 days of Venus dancing backwards. See you next week as we dive into the Gates of Doubt & Grace.
Sending love and heartbursts,
Get the COT transits in your calendar:
Check out my Cycles of Time Google Calendar that I have available as a digital download on my Etsy store! If you’d like to follow along with the cycles I talk about here on the pod in a deeper way, you can import the calendar with detailed descriptions of the major Astrology/Human Design/Wheel of the Year transits as a digital download, and that can be imported into your Google Calendar.
It helps me so much to be able to look at the transits alongside my calendar’s obligations and appointments- I hope you find it useful too!
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